
My Baby Is Rocket Powered

This evening in a fit of who-knows-I’ve-tried-everything-else, I swaddled Molly using a blanket which is really a bit too small for her. But eventually (and I do mean eventually) she fell asleep — probably from lack of oxygen due to the really tight swaddling. After rocking her for another 5 minutes — hey, what’s five My Baby Is Rocket Powered

To Scream or Not To Scream?

Sometimes I can fix whatever is making Molly scream. Sometimes her diaper needs to be changed. Sometimes she’s hungry. Sometimes her pacifier has become lost. But sometimes, nothing I do can possibly make her happy. Yes, I can interrupt her screaming. But really, what’s the point of that? We get 30 seconds to a full To Scream or Not To Scream?

Unexpected Holiday

I don’t think it’s any secret that this holiday season hasn’t been what we expected — starting off with the blizzard when we took Molly home from the hospital. We never expected she would suffer from something like Acid Reflux (or whatever it really is that causes her to wake up screaming) and I never Unexpected Holiday

Cool Beans

This probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but babies don’t like to be cold. Really. They don’t like it. Last night we tried something new to get The Bean to sleep: we turned up the thermostat to 80°. Yes, I know that sounds really warm, but for a baby that hasn’t got body Cool Beans


Molly just finished an incredible 10 minute screaming fit. I’m not certain how she found the time to breathe — maybe she’s already mastered the circular breathing technique popular with singers and wind-instrument musicians. Nothing would soothe her: not a changed diaper, not a second changed diaper, not my thumb (to suck on, of course), Inconsolable

The Zen of Poop

Just a quick update to the last post: a few moments ago, Molly completely filled her diaper. Filled, as in no more room for anything else. So does this mean that Fathers Merrin and Karras were at work expelling Satan from Molly’s rectum? I’ve no idea, but it’ll give me something to think about tonight.

A Few More Photos

We’re finally home — drove home in the middle of a blizzard. Here are a few more photos of our little sea monkey, Molly Elizabeth. Each of these photos links to Flickr with more info.

Great Suckling Muppets

We went to the introduction to breast feeding class yesterday evening. Really. Stop laughing. I went. To break the ice a little bit, the nurse teaching the class asked us all to introduce ourselves and explain why we were there and what we were hoping to get out of the class. After a few couples, Great Suckling Muppets