
Parents Arrive

Well, my folks have arrived. They’ll be here in Newburyport for the next 5 weeks. Of course, they’re here to welcome their first grandchild into the world and to help out where they can once she’s here. I took this photo back in November of 2003 when Anna made me the happiest I’ve ever been Parents Arrive

Online Reading Destroys Brain Cells?

While perusing the latest Political Animal posts, I ran across in which Kevin suggests that online reading might be bad for off-line reading. It’s not just that I spend less time reading books, it’s that I find my mind wandering when I do read. After a few paragraphs, or maybe a page or two, I’ll Online Reading Destroys Brain Cells?

Notes on Site Design

In addition to moving from Movable Type to WordPress, I’ve redesigned the site (yet again). The current design is heavily inspired by Derek Powazek’s Web site which features the majority of all navigation at the bottom of the page. I’m going to try this layout for a while to see how it works for me. Notes on Site Design

Running WordPress

We’re now running WordPress version 2.0 Beta 2. I know better than to run a public Web site on Beta software, but things seem pretty stable. However, if you run into any links that don’t work or other strange behaviours, I’d really like to know.

Not So Yellow Anymore

I repainted the Bean’s room over the weekend. The new yellow is much more mild — almost an antique white with a yellow cast to it. Anything is better than the fluorescent yellow-green we picked the first time. Of course, now I’m a paintin’ fool. I’ve a quart of a nice blue that I want Not So Yellow Anymore

I Feel Old

The first thing I did this morning is put on my slippers. No. Really. Slippers. Soon I’ll be losing my memory and calling everyone “Young man” or “Young lady”…


It’s 34° outside. We just got back from the ice cream shop. Anna bundled up like an Eskimo. I even put on gloves.

Hundred Dollar Laptop

There’s recently been a lot of hoopla surrounding the $100 laptop initiative from the gang over at MIT’s MediaLab. While I think it’s really great that peole have been thinking about how to reach out to developing countries and foster education, I think laptops are completely the wrong route. Sid Steward, in his blog at Hundred Dollar Laptop

Oh My Gods, It’s Yellow!

Someone snuck into our apartment and painted the Bean’s room yellow. No, make that YELLOW. About 15 years from now, we’ll probably be paying the resultant therapy bills. I have to finish painting tomorrow…

Old and Grey

Anna and I were joking around about how we won’t have the house to ourselves again for another 18 to 21 years. I lamented the fact that I’ll be old and grey before we have the house to ourselves again. Anna quickly asked, “How will we know if you’re grey?” That’s the smart-ass mother of Old and Grey