The 2019 Spring Party

I’d hoped to have a follow up to the 2018 Spring Party after Molly and I returned from our Summer European adventure, but thanks to lingering construction on our deck, the opportunity slipped away.

But it’s now time to think of Spring again and that means it’s time to think of parties.

Once again you’re invited. Don’t look so shocked. We’ll be kicking off Spring a bit more officially on Saturday, 30 March. Feel free to arrive any time after 4pm.3

Kids will be promptly exiled to the TV room where they may suffer movies and video games. Appropriate food and beverages for all ages will be available. Let us know in advance if you have any dietary restrictions; we’re happy to accommodate you.4

Please RSVP by email or iMessage for all the details.

  1. I promise not to make you wait outside on the porch if you arrive earlier, but you might be put to work. 

  2. Unfortunately we can not accommodate Lizardpeople. If you are a Lizardperson, please bring your own live snacks.