Last Saturday, Anna and I drove down to the Holmes residence to honour Ken for his heroic efforts as COO of our former employer. Ken’s last day was Thursday, 15 April (mine was 26 February). Although he hasn’t yet decided what he’ll be doing next, I envy the company that finally secures his enthusiasm. Had it not been for Ken, many of us wouldn’t have made it through the day.
Turn-out was good; and Anna commented later that it was plainly obvious who no longer worked at the company: the alumni (hah!) were happy and relaxed while the employees looked stressed and ground down.
I know I’ve been happier in the last month and a half than I have been at almost any point during the previous year — with the obvious exception of my wedding day.

Ken and Loren’s little girl Hayden made an appearance and charmed everyone. I’d brought along my camera just in case she deigned to join us. That’s her in the photographs above.