Yesterday we drove all around Westchester County looking for an apartment. We’d intended to check out the four apartment complexes listed in Mt. Kisco, NY first; however, after arriving and having a bit of lunch, we discovered that none of them were open on the weekend.
How incredibly lame. What kind of apartment manager closes shop on the weekend? I’d love to say this is unique; but this is also the management style adopted by the place that piqued our interest in Rhinebeck, NY. You’d be better off closing on Monday and Tuesday than on Saturday and Sunday. Seems obvious to everyone I’ve spoken to.
Tomorrow I’m going to call the offices of all the apartment complexes to find out details of their one and two-bedroom apartments. The budget seems to indicate that we can barely afford $1400 per month if we want to pay off our debts, save for a down payment on a house and raise a small crop of children. If they hit the mark on price and allow all four cats, I’ll try to schedule a visit next week. I’ll probably have to use a vacation day in order to get up there to see them. What a waste.