
First Photo

We’ve been remiss in getting the photographs from our wedding finished. Now I understand what a wedding photographer gets paid several thousand dollars to do: tweak the levels, clone bricks and generally take good raw materials and from them create lasting memories. Anna and I were married on Friday, 28 November at New York City First Photo

Lost Data

A few days ago the server where we hosted the metrocat.org web site died from a failed HD. Unfortunately, the last backup I had of the web site was from 5 days before the wedding. We’re trying to recover the lost data; but it may be difficult…

How It Started

Anna would like to claim everything is my fault; but now, I have the proof that she started it. Of course, if she had only been willing to move to Seattle, we probably would have been married years ago. From: Anna Piskoz To: Jeff Watkins Date: December 13, 2001 5:24:18 PM EST Subject: Holiday Cheer How It Started

T – 3 Hours…

We just returned from Newark Airport; where we picked up Anna’s little sister, Laura. Now Laura’s napping (she flew all night, poor kid); and Anna’s starting to get nervous… I, on the other hand, am about to make myself a cup of tea. Of course, I need to press my shirt; but that’s no sweat.

All Is Ready

Well, both Anna and I are done with work for the week. My family has all arrived — Dianne and Joe are staying at the Millennium Hilton right next to the site of the former World Trade Center, and Mom, Dad, Bob and Aileen are staying here in Jersey City. On Sunday, Path finally restored All Is Ready

Best Fiancé In The World

Anna has the best fiancé in the world. No. Really. It’s true. After months and months of listening to her whine about how she would get rid of a lot of her stuff if she only had a digital camera to photograph it all, I broke down. Last Friday, I bought her a digital camera. Best Fiancé In The World

Four Weeks To Go

Only four weeks to go before the wedding. Everything seems to be coming together just fine. We still need to order the wedding cake from Carvel — what could be better than an ice cream wedding cake? Anna would like us to stay in a Hotel the night of our wedding; but it seems somewhat Four Weeks To Go

Who Needs 4 Wheel Drive?

On Sunday, Anna and I went for a drive. We put the top down and headed up to her Cousin Kim’s house in Orange Co., NY. After a brief visit with Kim, her Husband. Pumpkin the Cat, and their new puppy Rusty, we drove west into the green woods of Pennsylvania, where we promptly got Who Needs 4 Wheel Drive?

Programming Windows Is Painful

It’s been a very long time since I’ve had to write Windows software in C++. My last several projects have been C#, Java, and JavaScript based web applications. Therefore, I was insulated from the pain of having to deal with Microsoft’s bizarre shared library system (AKA DLL-hell) which causes untold pain when trying to implement Programming Windows Is Painful

Final Update

Two weeks ago, I sent out the long awaited (I suppose someone was awaiting it) second update. Therein, I hinted about several revelations to be made in a final update. You have here, the final update. I promise, when you’re done reading, you’ll know at least as much about what we’ve been up to as Final Update