Jeff Watkins

Jeff has been building software for more than three decades. He is a ten year veteran of Apple and has 13 years of iOS development experience. He’s worked on core iOS frameworks from Apple and apps delivered via the App Store, but it’s not his fault Game Center had either green felt or “those bubbles”. His focus now is on coaching folks through career & life transitions and mentoring developers.

Enough Snow Already!

Good gods! What’s with all the bloody snow? Last night we received yet more snow: nasty, foul, and evil stuff falling maliciously from out of an otherwise innocent sky to ruin my life. Yes, I know we deliberately moved to the North Shore of Massachusetts — an act which nearly ensured our complete inundation with Enough Snow Already!

A Walk on the Beach

On Saturday, 5 February, the temperature topped 50°F. So we went for a walk along Plum Island. It was so warm, in fact, that I decided to take off my boots and walk barefoot along the beach. We walked a total of 9 miles, half on the beach and half along the road that winds A Walk on the Beach

Strange Display in the Dunes

As we left the beach and walked across the boardwalk towards the salt marsh, we spotted this weird monument in the dunes.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Last night, Anna and I went down to the Reading REI store so I could attend a clinic on preparing to hike the Appalachian Trail. I haven’t entirely decided whether I really intend to hike the entire 2100 mile (give or take 100 miles depending on the year) trail from Georgia to Maine, but I’ve Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Up and Running Again

Well, it took much longer than expected, but I’ve finally managed to get us switched over to the new hosting company. I certainly hope they’re better than the old one. Although, for only $3 per month, I can put up with quite a bit. I hope to redesign the site in the coming weeks based Up and Running Again

Track-Back SPAM

Just when I thought we had SPAM licked, the spamming bastards start using track-back pings to ruin our Web site. I’ve spent most of the morning deleting track-back pings and configuring our templates to prevent any further abuse. I’ve also completely removed the ability for this installation of Movable Type to accept incoming track-back pings. Track-Back SPAM