This post is a bit more than two and a half months overdue.
After leaving Apple back in April of 2009, we moved back to Seattle. We were delighted to reunite with our friends, buy a house, and settle into a comfortable life over on Bainbridge Island. While I regretted leaving Apple, I felt as a Web developer it really wasn’t the right fit for me. I had an ideal position as the manager of a small team building an exciting iPad application using native + Web technologies. While I admired Apple, there really wasn’t a compelling reason to move back to California to basically do what I was already doing quite happily in Seattle.
As I delved deeper and deeper into developing our iPad application, I naturally discussed with my friends at Apple the challenges we encountered and the solutions my team mates discovered. Well, word gets around.

On Tuesday, 31 May, I started an exciting new chapter in my career: I’m proud to be a member of the Apple iOS Applications and Frameworks group where I’ve been working to make Game Center an even more exciting part of the iOS experience. The photo above is 2 Infinite Loop, or IL2, and my office is the last pair of double windows on the right side of the top floor.
Just this evening, we attended the parents’ orientation for Molly’s new after-school care center—the elementary school itself couldn’t be bothered to put on anything. Molly is super excited to begin school on Thursday. It means she and I will return to our regular routine of walking to school every morning. The school is one and a half miles away from our new apartment, but it will give us both a good opportunity to wind down after our day is complete.
I’m going to pull out my notes from the last few days of last year’s summer vacation with Molly. Look for those shortly.