Molly cries a lot. No, much more than that. You might well say that from time to time, Molly stops crying briefly. Say, to inhale.
The other day we tried to offer Molly some rice cereal. She didn’t seem to like it much. I appointed myself official photographer and busted out the big glass: a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS. To ensure that we could capture every glorious moment, I set up my flash at about 90° from the angle of the sun coming through the window beside Molly with the light bouncing off the ceiling to soften the shadows.

After it was all over, the cereal was discarded, and Molly cleaned up, I managed to capture this photo of her. It’s moments like this — when Molly really smiles and shows us what a charmer she is — that I almost forget how much she cries and what a pain in the neck she can be.