Summer Vacation Ideas

We’re going on Summer Vacation with my high-school buddy, Bradley, and his wife, Erin. The goal is to do some hiking and explore the Green or White mountains just north of us. Of course, this plan may be slightly affected by our desire to get Anna knocked up.

Hiking: Inn to Inn — The Long Trail or Hiking Gourmet options, although expensive, sound cool. One of the inns, Judith’s Garden, was on Erin’s original list of things to do in VT.

Hut to Hut along the ATThe Appalachian Mountain Club, which we joined only the other day, maintains eight huts along the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Each hut is a day’s hike apart — covering a total distance of 56 miles. This sounds incredibly cool. They provide food and lodging leaving us to worry about packing water, clothes and minor other gear. We could easily stash a car at one end of the trail before the trip, and hike all the way across. Reservations are available. We should probably jump on this quickly if we’re interested. Of course, Anna points out that if she’s pregnant, some of the hikes might be too strenuous.

Inns and B&Bs in VT — There are tons of Inns and B&Bs in VT. We could probably plan our own “slackpacking” itinerary. However, the folks at WonderWalks offer lots of cool, if expensive, Inn-to-Inn walks. I doubt if we could actually afford any of these. But they certainly sound cool.

All of this is from a very brief google of `Net resources. I’ll check into back issues of Outside magazine and see what I can dig up.