It’s snowing again here in Jersey City. While Anna sat around the house being cranky, I went out for a walk. Fortunately, I thought to bring along the Canon 10D; and I made some photographs while I was out.

We’ve decided to move back to New York when our lease expires. Although this will mean a much longer commute for me each day, we really don’t like Jersey City. I’d love to say that there was only one reason why we didn’t like the area; but there are almost too many reasons to list.

So we’re looking for an apartment somewhere along either the Hudson or Harlem lines of MetroNorth. I expect to have about an hour and a half to two hour commute each day; but the benefit will be that we can live out where there’s grass and trees and other good stuff.

A couple weekends ago, Anna and I hopped a train up to Mount Kisco. It’s an okay little town; but it really isn’t as nice as Katonah — the next town north along the Harlem line. I’m even thinking about renting a condo up in the Pawling or Patterson area. They really have grass up there.

Oddly enough, this is the same area where we fell in love with a little cottage last year. Beyond not having a job with which to make the mortgage payments, my chief complaint had been the 2 hour commute. How ironic.